Florida Trucking Schools Directory

There are many different truck driving schools in Florida to consider. Before you make your final decision about which school to attend you should contact at least two different schools to learn more about what they have to offer their students. The items you really want to focus on include, but are not limited to, cost of course but there are other factors to consider. How much time will you get behind the wheel driving? Is it mostly in classroom training and how much experience do the driving instructors have? Were they professional drivers working in the trucking industry and if so for how long?

Driving a big rig is not something to take lightly and it is important you really learn the basic knowledge you will need to go to the next level after your basic truck driver training program has completed in order to be on your way to becoming a good professional truck driver. Truck driving is a good career, albeit demanding, and even though you may attend a Florida truck driving school chances are if you start working for a long haul trucking company you will spend much time outside the state of Florida as well. Therefore you will need to learn any important rules that may apply to other states.

Trucking Schools in Florida:

National Truck Drivers School
Green Cove Springs, FL
C & L Solutions, Inc.
Orlando, Florida
Metropolitan Trucking and Technical Institute
Miami, Fl
Palm Beach Community College
Riviera Beach, FL

Roadmaster Drivers School
Multiple locations including a truck driving school in Orlando, FL, Jacksonville, FL, and Tampa, FL
Bradford-Union Area Career Technical Center
609 N Orange St
Starke , Florida 32091

Central Florida Community College
3001 SW College Rd
Ocala , Florida 34474

Gulf Coast Community College
5230 W Hwy 98
Panama City , Florida 32401

Indian River Community College
3209 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce , Florida 34981-5596

Lake City Community College
Highway 90 East
Lake City , Florida 32025-2007

McFatter Technical Center
6500 Nova Drive
Davie , Florida 33317

Miami Lakes Educational Center
5780 NW 158th St
Miami Lakes , Florida 33014

Mid Florida Tech
2900 West Oak Ridge Road
Orlando , Florida 32809

Palm Beach Community College
4200 Congress Ave
Lake Worth , Florida 33461-4796

Pinellas Technical Education Center
901 34th St S
Saint Petersburg , Florida 33711-2209

Pinellas Technical Education Center-Clearwater
6100 154th Ave N
Clearwater , Florida 33760-2140

Ridge Career Center
7700 State Rd 544
Winter Haven , Florida 33881-9518

South Florida Community College
600 W College Dr
Avon Park , Florida 33825-9356

Washington-Holmes Technical Center
757 Hoyt St
Chipley , Florida 32428

Withlacoochee Technical Institute
1201 W Main St
Inverness , Florida 34450-4696

The length of time it takes to finish a driving training program will vary by school. It is important you learn the information you need to learn so make sure any school you decide to attend it a real school with a history of training students successfully. If it is a newer school you will want to take a lot of extra precautions to make sure it is not some fly by night operating or some cld mill type school. CDL mills are schools where you do not really learn enough to be ready for the job, so if you are in doubt ask former students if possible and/or trucking companies in your area what they think of the school. The most important part is to really do your homework by talking to a lot of schools, former students, trucking companies, etc. so you can make the best decision possible. You will be committing your time and your money so make your investment count by really understanding what you will get for your money and what will be expected of you once you do enter the work force as a truck driver.
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