Michigan Trucking Companies Directory

Whether you have just completed training from a Michigan truck driving School or are an experienced driver searching for Michigan trucking jobs you are on the right track by starting with a directory page. There are also other sources to finding a good job such as networking with other drivers at truck stops to find out how a company treats their drivers. Some companies are more driver friendly then others. How much you earn per mile is important, but for many that is not the only deciding factor. How much home time will you get? How much waiting around to load or unload is there going to be? Are you expected to help load or unload the trailer? How many miles can you expect to get each month? A trucking job can be deceiving if the pay per mile is high but then you do not get enough miles each month to earn a decent paycheck. Sometimes it makes more sense to earn a little less money per mile if you will be given the opportunity to driver more miles for a trucking company. Keep all this in mind while searching for a truck driving job.

Trucking Companies in Michigan:

Aero Bulk Carrier, Inc.
5976 Clay Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49548

Alvan Motor Freight, Inc.
3600 Alvan Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Causley Trucking, Inc.
1621 Terminal Drive
Saginaw, MI 48601

James Gath Trucking Inc.
4880 S. Huron Rd.
Standish, MI 48658

Keep in mind while looking for Michigan truck driving jobs that several out of state companies are also hiring over the road drivers. They may or may not have a local dispatch office but your chances of still finding employment with them is possible.
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